Thursday 23 June 2016

A Photo Every Hour - Saturday 23rd April

April's photo an hour fell on Saturday 23rd - a fairly average day at home.

Here's what the day looked like...

8am - Excited to be listening to Radio 2's Sounds of the Sixties!

9am - Attempting to knock the toy off the edge of the ring (whilst we were cooking breakfast!).

10am - Setting TV timers (and making sure we don't miss the new series of one of our favourite programmes).

11am - Why do babies always have the best prints and designs?

12pm - Feeding time...

1pm - And now sleepy time!

2pm - Off to visit Nannie and Grampy.

3pm - Household chores.

4pm - Back from her walk and clearly very hungry!

5pm - Catching up with one of my favourite magazines (which has sadly been discontinued, boo!)

6pm - Prepping dinner.

7pm - Watching TV whilst dinner's in the oven.

8pm - Dinner is served!

9pm - And lastly, someone decided to fall asleep on me so we stayed like that for a while and then went to bed!

I was supposed to be rounding up that month's photo an hour-ers but a week later I ended up in hospital with mastitis that developed into an abscess (lovely) and ended up spending pretty much the whole month of May on antibiotics and painkillers. On her blog, Jane very helpfully rounded everyone up in my absence!
Also, check out what I was up to in...

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